
Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC)


An IQAC has been constituted as per UGC norms and is working effectively for excelling academic standard and quality as well as all-round development of the institution. The present IQAC cell is reconstitute with the followings in June, 2015 for the period of 3 (three) years.

Present IQAC Committee

SlNo Name of the Member Designation Portfolio
1 Dr. Dibya Doley Principal i/c Chairman
2 Mr. Nandeswar Kachari Member from G.B. G.B. President
3 Dr. Dandiram Pegu Asst. Professor Co-ordinator
4 Mr. Darika Pegu Asst. Professor Asst. Coordinator
5 Mr. Deepjyoti Gogoi Asst. Professor Asst. Coordinator
6 Dr. Deepok Borgohain Principal Dhemaji Girls' College Member From Administration
7 Mr. Khageswar Pegu Principal i/c Jonai Girls' College Member From Administration
8 Mr. Nabin Kardong Assoc. prof. Silapathar College Member From Administration
9 Mr. Jugananda Gogoi Asstt. Professor Teacher Member
10 Dr. Swaroop Taid Asstt. Professor Teacher Member
11 Mr. Ranjit Pait Asstt. Professor Teacher Member
12 Mr. Lakhi Nath Pegu Asstt. Professor Teacher Member
13 Dr. Hemchandra Chamuah Asstt. Professor Teacher Member
14 Dr. Polyshree Pegu Asstt. Professor Teacher Member
15 Mr. Dhananjoy Kumar Sing Member from Guardian
16 Mr. Padma Nath Pegu Educationist External Member
17 Mr. Mahaveer Prasad Mala Alumni Member
18 Miss Puja Gogoi Alumni Member
19 Mr. Ranju Pegu Student Member
20 DR. DANDIRAM PEGU Assistant Professor. Convener

What our distinguished personality says


1 2022-06-07


2 2022-06-07


3 2022-06-07


4 2022-05-28